Mr. Chua Aik Boon
35th Executive Committee
Hwa Chong Junior College Alumni
Welcome Message
It gives us great pleasure, as the 35th Exco of the HCJC Alumni, to serve our fellow alumni by fostering and maintaining friendships and goodwill among them.
Our beloved Hwa Chong Junior College was rich in history, tradition and culture. Although she no longer retains her name and is now part of Hwa Chong Institution, we would still like to uphold its tradition and values that many of us hold dearly.
Our collective achievements in various fields are a testament to the quality of education we received and the values instilled in us. It is this shared experience that unites us all, and I am delighted that we can continue to engage with one another and with our institution in many meaningful ways.
As we embark on this journey together, I encourage all of you to network with your fellow alumni, and stay connected with your alma mater. Let us come together to reminisce the good old days; celebrate our fellow alumni' achievements and contributions as well as encourage one another through difficult times!
饮水思源. The 35th Exco will continue to be guided by this principle and fly the flag of HCJC Alumni high, remain active and relevant to both the alumni members and students alike.
On behalf of the 35th Exco, I wish you the very best and look forward to connecting with you at our upcoming events and activities !